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Genesis 42:21

וַ יֹּאמְרוּ אִישׁ אֶל אָחִיו אֲבָל אֲשֵׁמִים אֲנַחְנוּ עַל אָחִינוּ אֲשֶׁר רָאִינוּ צָרַת נַפְשֹׁו בְּ הִתְחַנְנֹו אֵלֵינוּ וְ לֹא שָׁמָעְנוּ עַל כֵּן בָּאָה אֵלֵינוּ הַ צָּרָה הַ זֹּאת

And they are saying, a man toward his brother, `Indeed ourselves are guilty-ones upon our brother, whom we have seen the straits of his breath, in his favoring himself1248 toward us, and we have not heard. Upon an upright a strait of this one has come in toward us.`


Hithpael reflexive verb. Sometimes reflexive verbs like this are considered “showing” an action, as in to show favor. But this seems like a stretch.