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Genesis 40:5

וַ יַּחַלְמוּ חֲלֹום שְׁנֵיהֶם אִישׁ חֲלֹמֹו בְּ לַיְלָה אֶחָד אִישׁ כְּ פִתְרֹון חֲלֹמֹו הַ מַּשְׁקֶה וְ הָ אֹפֶה אֲשֶׁר לְ מֶלֶךְ מִצְרַיִם אֲשֶׁר אֲסוּרִים בְּ בֵית הַ סֹּהַר

And they are bonding a bonded-one, their two, a man his bonded-one, in the night of one, a man according to the division1214 of his bonded-one, the drink-giver and the One-who-bakes whom belong to the king of Dual-Siege, who are those-tied in the house of the Round.


Interpretation – Dividing the Truth

Strong’s #6623, pithron. Division, interpretation. This word is only found in this narrative and only in relation to dreams. From pathar (#6622) which is the equivalent of the Aramaic peshar (#6590) to divide, cut in pieces, separate in parts as used in Ecc. 8:1. Cf. Gesenius, Fuerst. This idea of “dividing the meaning of a word” appears to be iterated by the Apostle Paul in which he used a word that had to do with cutting in a straight line ὀρθοτομοῦντα (#G3718),

“…straight-cutting the word of the truth.” 1 Tim. 2:15 literal