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Genesis 37:3

וְ יִשְׂרָאֵל אָהַב אֶת יֹוסֵף מִ כָּל בָּנָיו כִּי בֶן זְקֻנִים הוּא לֹו וְ עָשָׂה לֹו כְּתֹנֶת פַּסִּים

And El-Strives has loved He-Adds from the whole of his builders, for a builder of old-ones1163 is himself to-himself. And he has made to-himself a tunic of soles.1164


Strong’s #2208, Zequnim. Old ones. Properly, plural passive participle of zaqen which means to be old. “Old age”, as translators have always rendered it, is an interpretation and ignores the plural attribute.