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Genesis 36:35

וַ יָּמָת חֻשָׁם וַ יִּמְלֹךְ תַּחְתָּיו הֲדַד בֶּן בְּדַד הַ מַּכֶּה אֶת מִדְיָן בִּ שְׂדֵה מֹואָב וְ שֵׁם עִירֹו עֲוִית

And Haste is dying, and reigning under him is Shouter builder of Empty-Talk, the One-who-Strikes אֶת-Contentious1144 in the field of From-Father, and the name of his city is Ruined-one.1145


Strong’s #5762 Avith. from avah; ruined-one