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Genesis 36:2

עֵשָׂו לָקַח אֶת נָשָׁיו מִ בְּנֹות כְּנָעַן אֶת עָדָה בַּת אֵילֹון הַ חִתִּי וְ אֶת אָהֳלִיבָמָה בַּת עֲנָה בַּת צִבְעֹון הַ חִוִּי

Prepared has taken his women from the built-ones of Humiliation: Ornament, built-one of Ram the Terrified,1096 and Tent-of-the-High-Place, built-one of Looking-Down,1097 built-one of Ravenous-Beast1098 the Tent-Dweller,


Strong’s #6649, tsibon, “Zibeon” ravenous beast. Or from #6648, variegated, embroidered dyed stuff. Or as Gesenius put it: versicolour. Scholars have called the ravenous beast a “hyena” - proper name, masculine a Horite (hyena; RSK 219; GrayProp.N.95 and references)