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Genesis 33:14

יַעֲבָר נָא אֲדֹנִי לִ פְנֵי עַבְדֹּו וַ אֲנִי אֶתְנָהֲלָה לְ אִטִּי לְ רֶגֶל הַ מְּלָאכָה אֲשֶׁר לְ פָנַי וּ לְ רֶגֶל הַ יְלָדִים עַד אֲשֶׁר אָבֹא אֶל אֲדֹנִי שֵׂעִירָה

He is crossing over, now, my master, to the faces of his slave, and myself is guiding to my gentle-one,1054 to the foot of the Work whom is to my faces, and to the foot of the Born-ones until whom I am coming in toward my master Hairy-ward.`


Strong’s Hebrew לְאִטִּ֗י, #328 prep + adv. + possessive 1st person. to my gentleness. Some interpret this to mean at my leisure.