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Genesis 31:40

הָיִיתִי בַ יֹּום אֲכָלַנִי חֹרֶב וְ קֶרַח בַּ לָּיְלָה וַ תִּדַּד שְׁנָתִי מֵ עֵינָי

I have become in the Hot-one a desolation1013 has eaten me, and frost in the Night-ward, and my sleeping-one is waving-to-and-fro from my eyes.


Strong’s #2721, choreb חֹרֶב a desolate-one. This is not the same as dried up, to be dry yabesh (#3001) as in Gen. 8:7,14. This is a derivative of/related to chereb חֶרֶב a sword (#2719). The sword (war) lays waste, causes desolation.