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Genesis 19:33

וַ תַּשְׁקֶיןָ אֶת אֲבִיהֶן יַיִן בַּ לַּיְלָה הוּא וַ תָּבֹא הַ בְּכִירָה וַ תִּשְׁכַּב אֶת אָבִיהָ וְ לֹא יָדַע בְּ שִׁכְבָהּ וּ בְ קוּׄמָהּ

And they are causing to drink אֶת-their father wine in the Night-ward of himself688 and the First-fruit is going in, and she is lying down את-her father, and he has not perceived689 in her lying down, or in her standing up.


He has not known. Previously this was found in the context of conceiving and bearing, a.k.a. sex. However here, does the meaning change? Rest has not known…