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John 1:45



Strong’s #G3478. Nazaret

“As respects the Hebrew form of the name, it is disputed whether it was נֵצֶר 'a sprout', 'shoot' (so, besides others, Hengstenberg, Christol. des A. T. ii., 124f. (English translation, ii., 106f); but cf. Gieseler in the Studien und Kritiken for 1831, p. 588f), or נֹצְרָה, 'protectress', 'guard' (cf. ; so Keim, as above), or נִצֶרֶת, 'sentinel' (so Delitzsch in the Zeitschr. f. Luth. Theol. for 1876, p. 401), or נְצֹרֶת 'watch-tower' (so Ewald in the Götting. gelehrt. Anzeigen for 1867, p. 1602f)” - BDB