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John 1:1



Greek Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος. 

The problem here is how abstract it is to say "In the beginning the Word was." Was what?

It just was?

The use of Ἐν meaning "in/within" is very much related to being within, inside, or in something else. One has to extend the meaning out to "in time" and then extend it further to "in the beginning of time." Is it time that John is referring to? Is John intentionlly being abstract with all this language?

The verb ἦν "was" is used in this verse three times. Everywhere else in the NT that I can tell, the verb "was" is used there is object. There are no other Greek verses that leave the reader hanging at "was." 

In the origin. Strong’s #G746, arche. Head, source, origin. Feminine noun. The Hebrew idea of “beginning” is not a linear point but a head from whom all things flow and to whom all things flow, i.e. in a circuit. Throughout the LXX the Hebrew rosh (#7218) head, as well as techilla (#8462) to bore, pierce, is translated arche. The definite article the is apparently never used except in the case of a specific authority (Luke 20:20) or in Revelation where the Origin/Head, is spoken of three times (Rev. 3:14, 21:6, 22:13).