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RBT Hebrew Literal:

And the Dual-Waters have prevailed290 exceedingly exceedingly291 on the Earth, and are covering the whole of the High Mountains292 which are underneath the whole of the dual-heavens;

Julia Smith Literal 1876 Translation:
And the waters prevailed exceedingly exceedingly upon the earth: and all the high mountains which are underneath all the heavens shall be covered.
LITV Translation:
And the waters were strong, exceedingly violent on the earth, and all the high mountains under the heavens were covered.
ESV Translation:
And the waters prevailed so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered.
Brenton Septuagint Translation:
And the water prevailed exceedingly upon the earth, and covered all the high mountains which were under heaven.



Strong’s #1396, gabar. To be mighty. This word is used extensively in the context of battles or war.

Upon these ones myself is she-who-weeps, my eye my eye is she-who-descends dual-waters. For he has been distanced from myself he-who-consoles, he-who-turns-back my breath; my builders HAVE BECOME those-who-are-stunned for he-who-is-hostile [enemy] has prevailed [gabar].” Lamentations 1:16 literal

YAHWEH is as the Warrior; as a man of wars he is going out. He is awakening a jealous-one; he is causing a blast-sound, indeed, he is causing a shrill-cry, upon his enemies he is prevailing-himself [gabar].” Isaiah 42:13.


Hebrew me’od me’od. A repetition of words. Strong’s #3966, muchness, force, exceeding, abundance, very. You’ll find this duplicated in other passages: Genesis 30:43; Numbers 14:7; 1 Kings 7:47; 2 Kings 10:4; Ezekiel 37:10.


Hebrew ha-harim ha-gebohim. Two definite articles. Strong’s #1364, gaboah means high, lofty, exalted, or haughty. “Exalted mountains” refers symbolically to lofty places of rule, fortification, and power on the Earth in the Hot-one of Reckoning, see Isaiah 2:11-22.