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εὐοδόω - Help on the Way
Beloved One! Around all things I am wishing for yourself to journey prosperously and to be sound/in good health even as she is prospering, the Soul-Life of yourself!For I rejoiced exceedingly, of brothers who are coming, and those who are bearing witness of yourself to the Truth, even as you, yourself are treading around within a truth!
I am not holding a more mega joy than these, that I should hear of the Children of myself, those who are treading around within the Truth!
Beloved One! You are making trustworthily, whatever you might be working into the Brothers, and also this to foreigners.
Who have borne witness to the Agape-Love of yourself, face to face with a summoned assembly, whosoever you are making good, he who has sent ahead counter-balanced with the God.
ἐθνικός - Nationals, People of Strange Manners/Customs
Across from the Name they came out, those who are taking hold of nothing away from the Nationals.Therefore we, ourselves are indebted to take up such ones so that we may become joint-workers with the Truth.
"Reared by Zeus"
I have written/drawn something to the Summoned Assembly, but the one who loves to be first/foremost of themselves, Raised by Zeus ("Diotrephes"),2 is not accepting ourselves.Look at your Pain Ridden Works you Fool!
If I should come because of this, I will bring himself to remember the Works, whichever ones he is making, he who is playing the fool against ourselves with pain-ridden words, and he who is not content on account of these ones, neither is he accepting the Brothers, and he is hindering the ones who are wishing/willing, and he is casting out from the Summoned Assembly!Beloved One! Do not mimic the Evil One, but rather the Good One! He is the one who is doing goodly from out of the God. The one who is doing evil/harm has not perceived the God!
He has been witnessed to Belonging to Mother Earth ("Demetrius")3 under all, and under herself the Truth, and we also are bearing witness, and we have seen that the Testament of ourselves, she is a true one!
I had multitudinous things to write/draw to yourself, but I am not wishing to write/draw to yourself across through a black one and a measuring-stick.
But I am hoping to see yourself immediately, and we will chirp, a mouth toward a mouth! A peace to yourself, the Friends are welcoming/embracing yourself! Welcome/embrace the Friends according to a name!
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