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את (AΩ) – The Sign of the Eternal Self

The Eternal Self: The “circuit of the earth” is her course of travel through eternity.

Strongs Definitions gives:

אֵת ʼêth, ayth; apparent[ly] contracted from H226 in the demonstrative sense of entity; properly, self (but generally used to point out more definitely the object of a verb or preposition, even or namely):—[as such unrepresented in English].

Strongs H226 אות is the mark, sign, as turning or spinning:



The Sign. The Man in the Middle.

Strongs #226. Hebrew אות, a sign, mark. The Hebrew letter ו is the letter/number for “man” or “peg”. The “Man” is in the middle and is surrounded by the Eternal Self (a.k.a. “the hidden man of the heart” 1 Pet. 3:4), myself is the “first” and the “last”, the “alpha” and the “omega”, in Hebrew the א and ת. This first appears in the context of Cain, i.e. “mark of Cain.”

את. Strong’s #853 et. This is has been called “the untranslatable mark of the accusative” but it has never been fully understood. It constitutes the first and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Surely there is a reason?

This mark has perplexed rabbis and scholars for ages as to its origins. Rabbi Akiva, a Jewish scholar of the 1st century AD, called it a “mark of the divine hand”.

The “O”

Revelation gives a hint to its meaning in the Greek: “I Myself am the Alpha and the Ω, the origin and the end…” (Revelation 1:8 RBT). The “O”? In the Greek the letter itself is given a definite article. It is not “the Omega” but “the O.” Why?

It’s About Her

This crucial word את occurs over 11,000 times, especially in the Torah. Hence, the Torah plays a central role in the eternal Life, the eternal Now, and the eternal Self. Not as a dispensation, not as old rules or regulations, but as a cast seed to be completed, consummated within the last Day. But what does it mean? There are actually several more meanings to consider:

  • את. Strong’s #854  is a meaning rendered “with” or “near”. #854 “with” is listed as occurring over 800 times. What is particularly notable is that the #854 meaning “with” is always used with people (i.e. near-him) with a few exceptions to localities (i.e. with Kadesh). It is never used with objects (i.e. near-the tree).
  • את. Strong’s #855  is a meaning rendered “plowshare” and “mattock.” This meaning is listed for only five instances.
  • את. Strong’s #859  Last is the primary meaning “you/yourself” singular. We are told that the feminine suffix is added create the masculine singular אתה (attah) “you” and without the feminine suffix it is…feminine? In other places with feminine nouns, the same word אתה (attah) means the feminine “her/it”. This is confusing on all Hebrew grammatical grounds. This inconsistent pattern is used even today in modern Hebrew where attah means “you” masculine, and at means “you” feminine. There are a lot of serious grammatical gender inconsistencies occurring around this word. If it is merely a matter of the language evolving then the word can be taken as a rather meaningless “particle” and doesn’t matter, and can be left out of the Bible, as all translations do. If it is merely an accusative marker, it is quite pointless as anyone can see the action of the verb in Genesis 1:1, “He created את the heavens את the earth”. The suffix “-ah” was added by Adam in Genesis 2 to “ish” when he generated the woman, giving “ish-ah” based on her being “taken from out of” a man, this seems to provide the rule for the suffix.

It was from contexts like these that led scholars to define at as feminine “you”:

Behold, now I have perceived a beautiful woman of sight of את

Genesis 12:11 RBT

…daughter/built one, who is את ?

And she is saying toward himself, “A daughter/built one of the House of God is myself [אנכי].”

Genesis 24:23 RBT

The Hebrew אנכי (anoki) is what we call the “her me” or “myself” as it is an emphatic of an emphatic אני (ani), which is a more typical “I” or “myself.”

While the masculine singular “you” (attah) is listed as occurring over 1000 times. Only 50 times out of 11,000 occurrences is it given the feminine singular “you.”

Ref Heb Morphology
Gen.12.11-17 אָתְּ HPp2fs
Gen.12.13-04 אָתְּ HPp2fs
Gen.24.23-04 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Gen.24.47-06 אַתְּ֒ HPp2fs
Gen.24.60-07 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Gen.39.9-14 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Jdg.9.10-05 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Jdg.9.12-05 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Jdg.13.3-10 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Rut.3.9-03 אָתּ HPp2fs
Rut.3.10-03 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Rut.3.11-18 אָתְּ HPp2fs
Rut.3.16-06 אַתְּ HPp2fs
1Sa.25.33-04 אָתְּ HPp2fs
1Ki.2.15-02 אַתְּ HPp2fs
1Ki.2.22-07 אַתְּ HPp2fs
1Ki.14.2-10.K אַתִּי HPp2fs
1Ki.14.2-10.Q אַתְּ HPp2fs
1Ki.14.6-15 אַ֚תְּ HPp2fs
2Ki.4.16-06.K אַתִּי HPp2fs
2Ki.4.16-06.Q אַתְּ HPp2fs
2Ki.4.23-03.K אַתִּי HPp2fs
2Ki.4.23-03.Q אַתְּ HPp2fs
2Ki.8.1-12.K אַתִּי HPp2fs
2Ki.8.1-12.Q אַתְּ HPp2fs
Neh.9.6-05.K אַתְּ HPp2fs
Job.1.10-02.K אַתְּ HPp2fs
Pro.7.4-04 אָתְּ HPp2fs
Ecc.7.22-09.K אַתְּ HPp2fs
Sng.6.4-02 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Isa.51.9-13 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Isa.51.10-02 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Isa.51.12-06 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Jer.2.20-19 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Jer.2.27-06 אַתְּ HPp2fs
Jer.15.6-01 אַתְּ HPp2fs