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The Most Common Hebrew Morphemes

The most common part of speech found in the Hebrew Scriptures is unsurprisingly the noun, of which there are about 170,000. There are around 52,931 Conjuctive-Waws, and 11,092 mysterious aleph-tav (אֵת) particles.

Names of persons appear about 26,548 times, while name of God (Tetragrammaton) appears 6,544 of those times.

Morph Code Part of Speech Count
HNcbsa noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|absolute 14969
HNcbsc noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|construct 14079
HNpm noun|Name|masc 11911
HTd/Ncbsa Art – noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|absolute 9977
HR preposition 9493
HNpl noun|Name|place 7360
HTo DirObjM 7075
Hc/Vqw3ms Conj-w – verb|Nitpalel|ConsecImperf|third|masc|singular 7066
HNpt noun|Name|YHWH 6544
HTc Conj 5549
HNcmpc noun|Common|masc|plural|construct 4859
HNcmpa noun|Common|masc|plural|absolute 4641
HR/Ncbsc preposition – noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|construct 4471
HTn Negative 3920
HVqp3ms verb|third|masc|singular 3917
HTr relative 3902
HNcfsa noun|Common|fem|singular|absolute 3773
HRd/Ncbsa preposition – noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|absolute 3756
HNcbsc/Sp3ms noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|construct – suffix|pronominal|masc|singular 3143
HR/Vqcc preposition – verb|Qal|common (verb)|construct 3084
HD Adv 3081
HVqi3ms verb|third|masc|singular 3021
HTd/Ncmpa Art – noun|Common|masc|plural|absolute 2941
HAabsa adjective||both (noun)|singular|absolute 2410
Hc/Vqw3mp Conj-w – verb|Nitpalel|ConsecImperf|third|masc|plural 2313
HC/To Conj-w – DirObjM 2189
HC/Ncbsc Conj-w – noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|construct 2133
HR/Ncbsa preposition – noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|absolute 2118
HNcbsc/Sp1bs noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|construct – suffix|pronominal|both (noun)|singular 2065
HNcfsc noun|Common|fem|singular|construct 2055
HC/Ncbsa Conj-w – noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|absolute 1996
HTd/Ncfsa Art – noun|Common|fem|singular|absolute 1987
HVqp3cp verb|third|common (verb)|plural 1973
HVqrmsa verb|masc|singular 1772
HC/Npm Conj-w – noun|Name|masc 1760
HC/Tn Conj-w – Negative 1750
HRd/Sp3ms preposition – suffix|pronominal|masc|singular 1608
HR/Ncmpc preposition – noun|Common|masc|plural|construct 1558
HNcbsc/Sp2ms noun|Common|both (noun)|singular|construct – suffix|pronominal|masc|singular 1520
HR/Npl preposition – noun|Name 1451
HVqi3mp verb|third|masc|plural 1408
HNcfpa noun|Common|fem|plural|absolute 1399
Hc/Vqq3ms Conj-w – verb|Qal|ConsecPerf |third|masc|singular 1397
HTj interjection 1362
HC Conj-w 1261
HNcmpc/Sp3ms noun|Common|masc|plural|construct – suffix|pronominal|masc|singular 1258
HTd/Tm Art – demonstrative 1254
HC/R Conj-w – preposition 1252
HVqi2ms verb|second|masc|singular 1225
HR/Sp3ms preposition – suffix|pronominal|masc|singular 1215